Allegations - The Foster Carer's Perspective
This seminal course on allegations in foster care promotes understanding and navigation of the system, policy and practice from the perspective of the foster carer.
Allegations: The Foster Carer's Perspective
This seminal course on allegations in foster care promotes understanding and navigation of the system, policy and practice from the perspective of the foster carer.
What does the course aim to do?
- Developed to help alleviate the fears foster carers face regarding allegations.
- Focuses on addressing allegations from the perspective of foster carers with practical, real-life applications.
- Empowers foster carers with extensive knowledge of allegations and standards of care complaint procedures.
- Helps carers navigate the allegation process calmly, professionally, and successfully.
- Highlights the importance of understanding allegations and accessing the right support.
- Addresses the emotional impact on carers, including feelings of isolation, anxiety, stress, mistrust, and anger during allegations.
- Emphasises the need for clear communication and support from Local Authorities and agencies
- Aims to rebuild trust and confidence in fostering after an allegation.
- Recognises the complex needs of traumatised looked-after children.
- Emphasises the importance of safeguarding children and child protection in the context of foster care.
- Provides clear information underpinned by National Minimum Standards and Statutory
Created by the National Foster Carer’s Qualifications and FosterWiki, experts in foster care advocacy.
The Foster Carer's Perspective
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